Thursday, December 31, 2009

Just A Few More Hours

Here on the east coast, outside of New York City, on Long Island, we have 8 hours to go until the year 2009 is history. It is already New Years in China. Lucy and Emma were watching the celebration this morning on CCTV4, one of China's national networks. It was splendid.

The ball will drop in less than 8 hours in Time Square. Over one million people are expected there tonight. 2010 is coming. Remember all the hoopla over Y2K? It was crazy. Nothing ever happened except some people made a lot of money off books and tapes by fright tactics.

There is always a lot of uncertainty associated with a New Year. The LORD never changes. He is in heaven. Nothing that happens this year will surprise Him.

May your New Year's Dreams come true!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Most Wonderful Time of Life

Emma and I went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks tonight. It was great being with my granddaughter. What fun eating popcorn and watching a movie together. Afterwards we drove around looking at the lights in the neighborhood and singing Christmas Carols. I love the stuff grandchildren get you to do (again!) For me it is the most wonderful time of my life!

Monday, December 28, 2009

December 29, 1970

I was talking to my friend Rudy today. His daughter, Rachel, just left for a teen retreat in the mountains of Pennsylvania. It brought back memories. When I was 14 years old I spent three days in the Pocono Mountains with teens from Nazarene Churches all around Metro New York. We made stops all along the way in the bus, picking up kids at their churches as we made our way from Long Island to the Lodge we were staying at.

I remember adults like Pastor David Trauffer and Bob Mahood taking time out of their week to make sure we had a good time. It was a grand time. I recall many moments of those few days. When I heard about Rachel today, a flood of good memories came into my heart and mind.

We had meetings in a huge barn that had been modernized and winterized. It had a huge pot bellied stove in it that heated the whole place. There was a built in indoor swimming pool and a pond that was used for skating. It snowed while we were there. We spent time together, laughing, listening to Bible Studies and eating and playing.

It was part of my Wonder Years. To this day I look back with wonder and amazement as I think of how blessed and privleged I was growing up right here. I am thnkful for those who sacrificed and worked that I could enjoy myself. God bless each of them!

Christmas Gifts

My good friend John Foster gave me a most unusual bird feeder which I put out promtly to join the others. With the cold returning in a few days to the Island we will get some of the rare birds seen at feeders: Woodpeckers, Chickadees, and Gold Finches. We had a red winged black bird out there a few days ago.

Gifts like these stay with you all year round. Like most things in the backyard, it is given by a friend who knows what I like. Thanks John!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Day After Christmas

It is the day after Christmas... as I write this, only by 19 minutes, but Christmas Day has ended. It has been quite a day.

I should be in bed but I can't sleep yet. Reminds me of a song off a Ray Coniff Singers Album my dad used to play...

"And when Christmas Day is over and you can't sleep. You can count your blessings instead of sheep. And you'll fall asleep, counting your blessings."

I have a lot of them. Wow is that an understatement! I am very thankful tonight for the life I live. Thanks LORD!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Night Before Christmas Eve

T'was the Night Before the Night Before Christmas...

All the shopping is done (groceries and gifts!). Greeting cards have all been sent. The Halls are all decked and this year we even have a real Christmas Tree! It is the first time in 10 years. Presents are already around it. Stockings are hung (we don't have a fireplace) on the wall.

Many many memories flood my mind and heart. The old shows are so good. They bring back times past. My past is not better than my present by a long shot. Part of this is due to the 5 beautiful grandchildren who are with us, their parents are a great reason too. Still I embrace the past with affection. I loved growing up in a home with love and joy and excitement at Christmas. It was one of those times when my dad was home all day with us. Days before computers, Facebook, blogs, DVDs, cell phones were good. Now we have to work to find the quiet away from them. I hope you can this Christmas Season. I have already and will attempt at more moments before the New Year. Reflection, Relaxation, Reclusion are not things that come easy these days but thye are needed for all for us. Peace to each of you.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Reflections of Snow

The Bay Shore Schools have a snow day tomorrow. The translation of this means that there is one school day left in 2009. Since our nursery school follows the Bay Shore School Calendar, this means we're closed tomorrow too. Elation is rampant all over the Island this evening.

I am one of those people who love winter, love snow and love to get out in it. Since the forecast is calling for 52 by the end of the week, like Frosty it will soon melt away, but we got out and enjoyed it today.

Lucy and I spent the majority of the day shoveling. We got to talk to neighbors whom we seldom see, got lots of fresh air and got to make ourselves such a good tired this evening that we will both have a long winter's nap- wonderful slumber.

The backyard is filled up with snow. We figured about 2 feet of it! The birds will get fed tomorrow, the fish pond is covered with a white blanket and our dog Moe just goes out for the essentials right now.

The cardinals were brilliant today. They are the most beautiful with a backdrop of white. As we were finishing shoveling out one dear 90 year old lady a flock of Canadian Geese flew over honking happily. It was one of those special moments which makes you so glad you are personal friends with the Creator. (They happen a lot)

I am both refreshed and exhausted tonight. The cleaned air from a snow fall is so pleasant to breathe in, the cold weather invigorates the body and soul. Having been on the earth for more than half a century brings aches from shoveling that is amazing and brings a tired feeling like no other.

All is well this evening in our world. Snowmen will be built tomorrow I am sure, perhaps even in our yard! After all for this kid at heart I have never stopped loving the magic in my heart that the year's first snowfall brings, especially before Christmas. The Christmas songs about snow suddenly make sense! And so I'm offering you a simple phrase, from kids from one to ninety two (I'm in there), althoigh its been said many times, many ways...

Merry Christmas To You!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow! Snow! Snow! It Won't Be Long

One of my friends living in a tropical climate commented how the Christmas Songs don't make sense in that setting. Most of them were written for northern weather.

We are about to get some of that Christmas Winter Weather. I love it! I love snow!

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Week From Tonight!

I am remembering the wonderful feelings about Christmas from when I was a kid. The anticipation, the excitement, the cards, the phone calls, Grandma coming to visit, going to Aunt Dot's, my cousin Dolly sending us a centerpiece that made my mom cry, my cosuin Lori giving the secret away of a gift that was not opened- all these things make me smile.

A week from tonight is a special night, a Holy night, a Silent Night, A Night When 2,000 years ago shepherds were keeping watch over their flocks when they received the Good News of the Savior's birth in Bethlehem. He came to save us! I'm celebrating that today!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Day In the Life

It is not that my life is so special but it is good... I am enjoying the journey. Here is some of the joy of today.

6am Rise and Shine, e-mail a few people and check Facebook
6:45- Off for the morning run. This morning to the post office to drop some Christmas cards off to family in the Carolinas.
7:45- Pulling up a load of carrots from the garden (Its getting cold tonight) and smelling the aroma as we washed them off
8:20- Lucy leaves for work
8:30 Called Mom to hear about her evening at a Concert by The Vienna's Boy Choir. She loved it. Fed the birds, Moe and me!
10:30 Thursday Morning Bible Study/ Sharing with Edie at the end of our blessings
Noon Worked on the Church Bulletin for Sunday
12:30 My friend Rudy called to share some answers to prayer
1:30pm- Lunch
2pm Back to work
4:30pm Emma and Jackson coming over for a bit
5:30 Lucy comes home
6:30 We leave for the Annual Nazarene Pastor's Christmas Dinner In Massapequa Park
I am thankful for many blessings in my life. God has blessed me with a great family and wonderful friends and a church that loves me in spite of all my short comings. My children and grandchildren are here. I am enjoying good health and am content. Thanks LORD for all Your Blessings!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

A Dad with the Heart of a Kid Is Wonderful

Think about the songs written about fathers who did not have time for their kids. Harry Chapin's The Cat in Cradle is one that comes immediately to mind.

It was not so with my Dad- still isn't. Next month he will turn 83 years old. 54 years ago he made a purchase in Queens. It was Christmastime. I believe the Grand Union had just given him a bonus. He was on his way home from a long day when he passed a store with the 1956 edition of Lionel Trains. He went in and bought it and brought it home to his 5 month old son, me :-). We set it up around our Christmas Tree each year until we made a place in the basement where it stayed up year round.

This evening Emma, my granddaughter, and I will set it up for its 54th Christmas. I even have the Plasticville Village intact! My heart is full of love for my Dad. Instead of spending his Christmas bonus on himself, on an impulse full of love for his firstborn son, he gave him a gift that has continued to give for over half a century.

Thanks Dad! Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Grandchildren and Christmas

I had almost forgotten the joy little children can bring at Christmas. That all changed five Christmases ago. Since then five grandchildren have come into our family's celebration. The magic is back!

Shopping for kids is so much fun. I love the games section. All the old games are there! From Candyland to Shoots and Ladders to Trouble (by the way Emma beat in that game the other night!)

I love the way the little ones take in the sights and sounds and the excitement of being together.

We have a whole photo album that is for Christmas. Christmas Pasts are in it. I am pulling it out this morning. It is full of memories going back 45 years right up to this past Christmas. We'll be adding to it again.

This is the most wonderful time of the year!